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Create a fairy light wall or reading nook in a bedroom for a cozy feel...

Updated: Jan 5, 2024

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Adding fairy lights to a bedroom wall or reading nook makes the space cozy and inviting. Here are two examples of fairy light installations I did in my daughters' rooms. The project steps and materials are listed below. Have fun creating! - and please post a pic of your creative ideas in the comments below or on our Facebook page.

The primary must-have product for this project is a set of curtain-style fairy lights. I used a 20ft by 10ft, 600LED set. There are also shorter sets available. Looking back at the process, two shorter sets might be easier to work with, but then you would need two plugs - you'll have to decide what's best for your project.

Purple Reading Nook

For the purple reading nook, I used a shower curtain rod, curtain holdbacks, two sets of sheer curtains, and lots of zip ties. I put a white sheer set of curtains in the back, and purple with sparkles in the front. Be sure that at least one of the curtain sets is netted, or tulle, vs solid material (see why below).

One set of curtains had tabs, the other did not, so I had to cut tabs into the one in the back. Laying the rod on the floor, I weaved the curtains onto the shower rod, alternating tabs. I then attached the curtain of fairy lights between the two panels with large zip ties. I then hung the rod on the hardware I had already attached to the wall.

Once the installation was hung, I attached each strand of the fairy light curtain to the netted purple sheer curtain with tiny zip ties. I did this so that the fairly light curtain would not tangle when it was moved back and forth to the holdbacks. It took some time to do - but it was worth it to not tangle.

I cut a piece of sheer curtain I had and weaved it across the tabs on the front to cover up the zip ties.

Finally, I attached the holdbacks to the wall. Now the reading nook can be opened and inviting, or closed for cozy reading.

Behind-the-bed Curtain

This one was a little easier because it is stationary and won't be moved on and off the holdbacks. For this installation I used a double rod curtain rod, two sets of sheer curtains (I already had the ones that are on the front side - they match the rest of the curtains in the room), and zip ties or 3M hooks.

I hung the rods and curtains just like you would on a window. To attach the fairy lights, you can either zip tie them to the curtain rod, or use 3M hooks to attach them to the wall.

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